
Linguistics /lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪks/ 言語学 げんごがく

主節(しゅせつ) ~ Main clause | 従属節(じゅうぞくせつ) ~ Subordinate /səˈbɔrdənət/ clause

主語(しゅご) ~ Subject | 目的語((もくてきご) ~ Object
自動詞(じどうし) ~ Intransitive verb | 他動詞(たどうし) ~ Transtive verb

品詞(ひんし) ~ Parts of speech
名詞(めいし) ~ Noun
動詞(どうし) ~ Verb
副詞(ふくし) ~ Adverb
形容詞(けいようし) ~ Adjective /ˈæʤɪktɪv/ [形容動詞]
連体詞(れんたいし) ~ Adnominal /æd'nɑmɪnəl/ adjective []
接続詞(せつぞくし) ~ Conjunction /kənˈʤʌŋkʃən/
感動詞(じょし) ~ Interjection /ˌɪntərˈʤɛkʃən/
助詞(じょし) ~ Auxiliary /ɑɡˈzɪljəri/

敬語(けいご) ~ Honorifics | 謙譲語(けんじょうご) ~ Humble Language
尊敬語(そんけいご) | 謙遜語(けんそんご) ~ Humility language

過去時制(かこじせい) ~ Past tense [現在形(げんざいけい)]
現在時制(げんざいじせい) ~ Present tense [過去形(かこけい)]
未来時制(みらいじせい) ~ Future tense
完了形(かんりょうけい) ~ Perfect tense [Have + 過去分詞]
現在分詞(げんざいぶんし) ~ Present participle
過去分詞(かこぶんし) ~ Past participle

一人称(かこぶんし) ~ First person
三人称(さんにんしょう) ~ Third person

同音異義語(どうおんいぎご) ~ homophone /ˈhoʊmoʊˌfoʊn/
オノマトペ ~ onomatopoeia /ɑnəmɑɾəˈpiə/
Polyphonic characters

現在形 Simple present | 現在進行形 Present continuous | 現在完了形 Present perfect | 現在完了進行形 Present perfect continuous
過去形 | 過去進行形 | 過去完了形 | 過去完了進行形  
未来形 | 未来進行形 | 未来完了形 | 未来完了進行形

Grammatical Tense
完了形 have+過去分詞 perfect tense

mnemonics 記憶術

濁音 voiced sound
半濁音 semi-voiced sound
拗音 contracted sound


短縮形 contracted form | shortened form | abbreviated form

colloquial 口語的な
etymology 語源

やっていません vs やりませんでした = 現在完了形 vs 過去形の否定形

assimilation 同化作用

だ To be, Is

だ is the casual form of である, it's similar to です, it means "To be, Is"
だ is an auxiliary verb in Japanese that acts as an expression of determination, or strong assertion. It simply states that something ‘is’ a certain way. It is a casual equivalent of です (another auxiliary verb).
だ should always be attached to the end of nouns, or words that can behave like nouns, such as な-Adjectives.

Structure 1: Noun + だ

It is an ice cream.

It is a temple.

Structure 2: [な]Adjective + だ

It is dangerous.

It is important.
大切だ。(な-Adj + だ)

です To be, Is

です means "To be, Is"
Similarly to だ, です is an auxiliary verb that is an expression of determination or assertion. It states that something ‘is’ a certain way. です is considered to be the polite variation of だ.
です connects to words in exactly the same way as だ, but is also regularly seen attached to the end of い-Adjectives.

Structure 1: Noun + だ

I am a college student.

It is a store.

Structure 2: Adjective + です

It is beautiful.

It is funny.

Although です is regularly attached to the end of い-Adjectives, some may actually consider this incorrect Japanese, and it should not be used in formal writing. In daily ‘spoken’ language/texting, however, it is completely normal.

It is hot.

は As for... (highlights sentence topic)

は (pronounced わ) is often considered to be one of the most difficult particles to master in Japanese, alongside が. は marks the topic of the sentence, and describes the whole sentence broadly. However, が primarily marks single actions or statements.
は is usually said to highlight what comes after it, while が highlights what comes before it.

I dislike tests.

Tanaka-san is a teacher.
田中=tanaka 先生₌sensei

が Subject marking particle, Identification particle

が is considered to be the subject marker in Japanese. This means that it marks someone or something that is performing an action, or it identifies someone or something as having a specific feature (this is usually a feature that the listener is not aware of).
が is usually said to highlight what comes before it, while は highlights what comes after it.

Structure: Subject + が

I like coffee.

も Also, Too, As well, Even, Either, Neither

も can mean ‘too/also’, or ‘even’, or ‘neither/either’, depending on if the sentence is affirmative or negative. Multiple meanings like this are quite common for Japanese particles, as there is no need to use different words simply to agree with other statements in the sentence (unlike English).

Family Role 家庭角色 家族役割 やくわり

English 漢語 Chinese 日本語 Nihongo ひらがな Hiragana
wife 妻子 妻 ~ 夫人 ~ 奥さん つま ~ ふじん ~ おくさん
husband 丈夫 夫 ~ ご主人 おっと ~ ごしゅじん
daughter 女兒 むすめ
son 兒子 息子 むすこ
mother ~ mama 母親 ~ 媽媽 母 ~ お母さん (my formal)はは ~ おかerあさん
father ~ papa 父親 ~ 爸爸 父 ~ お父さん (my formal)ちち ~ おとうさん
grandmother 祖母 祖母 ~ お婆さん そぼ ~ おばあさん
grandfather 祖父 祖父 ~ お爺さん そふ ~ おじいさん
grandparents 祖父母 祖父母 そふぼ
housewife 家庭主婦 主婦 しゅふ
(married) couple ~ husband and wife 夫婦 ~ 夫妻 夫婦 ふうふ
spouse/spaʊs/ 配偶 配偶者 はいぐうしゃ
ancestor 祖先 祖先 そせん
parents 雙親 両親 りょうしん
child 孩子 子供 こども
children ~ child 兒童 児童 じどう
adult/əˈdʌlt/ 大人 ~ 成人 ~ 成年人 大人 ~ 成人 おとな ~ せいじん
minor/ˈmaɪ.nɚ/ 未成年人 未成年者 みせいねんしゃ
old people ~ elderly 老人 老人 ろうじん
guy ~ dude/duːd/ ~ buddy 傢伙 やつ
fellow ~ companion/kəmˈpæn.jən/ 夥伴 仲間 なかま
friend 朋友 友達 ともだち
lover 戀人 ~ 愛人 恋人 ~ 愛人 こいびと ~ あいじん
significant other 伴侶 伴侶 はんりょ
ex-boyfriend 前男友 元カレ もとかれ
ex-girlfriend 前女友 元カノ もとかの
boyfriend 男朋友 彼氏 かれし
girlfriend 女朋友 彼女 かのじょ
older brother 哥哥 兄 ~ お兄さん あに ~ おにいさん
older sister 姐姐 ~ 姊姊 姉 ~ お姉さん あね ~ おねえさん
younger brother 弟弟 おとうと
younger sister 妹妹 いもうと
twin(s) 雙包胎 双子 ふたご
sibling 兄弟姐妹 兄弟 きょうだい
cousin 堂(表)兄弟姐妹 ~ 遠房親戚 従兄弟 いとこ
aunt/ænt/ 叔母 ~ 伯母 叔母さん(伯母さん) おばさん
uncle/ˈʌŋ.kəl/ 叔父 ~ 伯父 叔父さん(伯父さん) おじさん
relative 親戚 親戚 しんせき
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訓読(和音) Kundoku Waon: 零(ぜろ)| 四(よん)|七(なな)

音読(漢音) Ondoku Kanon: 零(れい)| 四(し)|七(しち)


Basic Number 基本的な数 きほんてきなすう

Count 漢語 Chinese 日本語 Nihongo ひらがな Hiragana Remark 備註 備考 びこう
0 れい・ぜろ ゼロ
1 一 yi いち
2 二 er
3 三 san さん
4 四 si よん/し
5 五 wu
6 六 liu ろく
7 七 qi なな/しち
8 八 ba はち
9 九 jiu きゅう/く
10 十 shi じゅう
11 十一 十一 じゅういち
12 十二 十二 じゅうに
13 十三 十三 じゅうさん
14 十四 十四 じゅうよん/じゅうし
15 十五 十五 じゅうご
16 十六 十六 じゅうろく
17 十七 十七 じゅうなな/じゅうしち
18 十八 十八 じゅうはち
19 十九 十九 じゅうきゅう
20 二十 二十 にじゅう
22 二十二 二十二 にじゅうに
33 三十三 三十三 さんじゅうさん
44 四十四 四十四 よんじゅうよん
55 五十五 五十五 ごじゅうご
66 六十六 六十六 ろくじゅうろく
77 七十七 七十七 ななじゅうなな
88 八十八 八十八 はちじゅうはち
99 九十九 九十九 きゅうじゅうきゅう
100 一百 ひゃく ignore「一」
101 一百零一 百一 ひゃくいち
110 一百一十 百十 ひゃくじゅう
111 一百一十一 百十一 ひゃくじゅういち
222 二百 二百 にひゃく
333 三百 三百 さんびゃく
444 四百 四百 よんひゃく
555 五百 五百 ごひゃく
666 六百 六百 ろっぴゃく
777 七百 七百 ななひゃく
888 八百 八百 はっぴゃく
999 九百 九百 きゅうひゃく
1,000 一千 せん ignore「一」
2,000 兩千 二千 にせん
3,000 三千 三千 さんぜん
4,000 四千 四千 よんせん
5,000 五千 五千 ごせん
6,000 六千 六千 ろくせん
7,000 七千 七千 ななせん
8,000 八千 八千 はっせん
9,000 九千 九千 きゅうせん
10,000 一萬 一万 いちまん
100,000 十萬 十万 じゅうまん
1,000,000 一百萬 百万 ひゃくまん
10,000,000 一千萬 千万 いっせんまん
100,000,000 一億 一億 いちおく
1,000,000,000 十億 十億 じゅうおく
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Games I am Looking Forward To

Windows✅❌ Linux✅❌ MacOS✅❌ PS✅❌ Xbox✅❌ Switch✅❌ iOS✅❌ Android✅❌ Google Stadia✅❌ Amazon Luna✅❌

Release Time Name Developer Publisher Platforms Engine
2023-01-20 Fire Emblem Engage - 火焰紋章 Intelligent Systems Nintendo Switch✅
2023-01-25 Forspoken - 魔咒之地 Luminous Productions Square Enix Windows✅ PS✅ Luminous Engine
2023-01-27 Dead Space Remake 死亡空間(重置版) Motive Studio Electronic Arts
2023-02-11 🥰 Hogwarts Legacy - 霍格沃茨・遺產 Avalanche Software Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment[a]
2023-02-17 Wild Hearts - 狂野之心 Omega Force Electronic Arts
2023-02-21 Atomic Heart - 原子之心 Mundfish Mundfish & Focus Entertainment & 4Divinity
2023-02-22 Like a Dragon: Ishin! - 如龍:維新! Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio Sega
2023-02-23 Sons of The Forest - 森林之子 Endnight Games Ltd Newnight
2023-02-23 Company of Heroes 3 - 英雄連3 Relic Entertainment Sega
2023-02-25 Kerbal Space Program 2 Intercept Games Private Division
2023-02-25 Octopath Traveler II - 八方旅人2 Square Enix & ACQUIRE Corp Square Enix
2023-03-02 The Day Before FNTASTIC MYTONA
2023-03-03 Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - 臥龍:蒼天隕落 Team Ninja Koei Tecmo
2023-03-09 Do Not Feed the Monkeys 2099
2023-03-09 😊 Skull and Bones - 碧海黑帆 Ubisoft Singapore[a] Ubisoft
2023-03-17 Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - 星球大戰絕地武士:倖存者 Respawn Entertainment Electronic Arts
2023-03-17 Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon 獵天使魔女起源:瑟雷莎與失落惡魔 Switch✅
2023-03-24 Resident Evil 4 Remake 安靈古堡4(重置版) Capcom Capcom
2023-04-28 Dead Island 2 - 死亡島2 Dambuster Studios[a] Deep Silver Unreal Engine 4
2023-05-12 🥰🥰🥰 The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - 薩爾達傳說:王國之淚 Nintendo EPD[a] Nintendo Switch✅
2023-05-26 Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - 自殺小隊:戰勝正義聯盟 Rocksteady Studios[a] Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Windows✅ PS✅ Xbox✅ Unreal Engine 4
2023-06-06 Diablo IV - 暗黑破壞神4 Blizzard Team 3 &Blizzard Albany Blizzard Entertainment Windows✅ PS✅ Xbox✅
2023-06-22 Final Fantasy XVI - 最終幻想16 Square Enix Creative Business Unit III Square Enix
2023 Q1~Q2 Starfield - 星空 Bethesda Game Studios Bethesda Softworks Creation Engine 2
2023 Q1~Q2 Redfall - 紅霞島 Arkane Austin Bethesda Softworks Windows✅ Xbox✅ Unreal Engine 5
2023 Q2 Nine Sols - 九日 RedCandleGames RedCandleGames
2023 Q4 Dark and Darker IRONMACE IRONMACE
2023 Q4 The Lord of the Rings: Gollum - 魔戒:咕嚕 Daedalic Entertainment Daedalic Entertainment Windows✅ PS✅ Xbox✅ Switch✅
2023 🥰 Ark 2 - 方舟Ⅱ
2023 🥰 The Wolf Among Us 2 - 我們中的一匹狼Ⅱ" Telltale Games AdHoc Studio Unreal Engine 4
2023 😊 The Alters 11 bit studios 11 bit studios
2023 Uncharted Waters Origin - 大航海時代:起源
2023 Party Animals - 動物派對 Recreate Games Source Technology Unity
2023 Minecraft Legends - 我的世界:傳奇 Mojang Studios Blackbird Interactive Windows✅PS✅Xbox✅Switch✅
2023 Valiant Hearts: Coming Home - 勇敢的心:歸家
2023 Risk of Rain Returns
2023 Legend of Mortal - 活俠傳 Obb Studio Inc. ParasGames
2023 Homeworld 3 - 家園3
2023 Pragmata - 虛實萬象 Capcom Capcom
2023 Forza Motorsport - 極限競速
2023 Dec S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl - 潛行者2:切爾諾貝利之心
2023 Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora - 阿凡達:潘朵拉邊境 Massive Entertainment[a] Ubisoft & 20th Century Games Windows✅PS✅Xbox✅ Snowdrop
2023 Alan Wake II Remedy Entertainment Epic Games Publishing Windows✅PS✅Xbox✅ Northlight Engine
2023 Street Fighter 6 - 街頭霸王6
2023 Assassin's Creed Mirage - 刺客信條:幻景 Ubisoft Bordeaux[a] Ubisoft Windows✅PS✅Xbox✅ Ubisoft Anvil
2023 Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name - 如龍7外傳:無名之龍
2023 Marvel Spider Man 2 - 漫威蜘蛛俠2 Windows✅ PS✅
2023 Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - 最終幻想7重製版 Square Enix Business Division 1 Square Enix Windows✅ PS✅ Unreal Engine 4
2023 Under The Waves
2023 Baldur's Gate 3
2023 Hades 2
2023 Valheim
2023 Death Stranding 2
2023 Dordogne UN JE NE SAIS QUOI, UMANIMATION Focus Entertainment
2023 Judas
2023 The Plucky Squire
2023 Tchia Awaceb Awaceb
2023 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Sumo Digital Gun Interactive
2023 Stick it To Stickers

Games that possibly deserve a little expectations

Release Time Name Engine Developer Publisher Short Review
2023-01-09 Breakout 13 [Part One] A good topic, though the game quality is not good

Animal 動物 動物 どうぶつ

English 漢語 Chinese 日本語 Nihongo 平仮名 Hiragana Voice
dog 犬 ~ 狗🐶 いぬ
cat 猫🐈 ねこ
wolf 狼 ~ オオカミ🐺 おおかみ Wolf Howl
fish 魚🐡 さかな
turtle 烏龜 亀🐢 かめ
bird 鳥🐦 ~ 鶏🐤 とり
chick ~ chicken 雛🐣 ひよこ
duck 鴨🦆 かも
goose 鵞鳥 がちょう
pigeon 鴿子 鳩 ~ ハト🕊 はと
sparrow/ˈsperō/ 麻雀 すずめ
eagle 鷲🦅 わし
squirrel 松鼠 栗鼠🐿 りす
owl 貓頭鷹 梟 ~ フクロウ🦉 ふくろう
monkey 猿猴 猿🐵 さる
deer 鹿 鹿🦌 しか
giraffe/dʒɪˈræf/ 長頸鹿 キリン🦒 ~
pig 豚🐖 ぶた
cattle ~ cow ~ ox 牛🐂🐄 うし
sheep 羊 ~ 綿羊 羊🐑 ひつじ
goat 山羊 山羊🐐 やぎ
horse 馬🐴 うま
bear 熊🐻 くま
panda 貓熊 ~ 熊貓 パンダ🐼 ~
rabbit 兎🐰 うさぎ
fox 狐狸 狐🦊 きつね
squid 章魚 ~ 烏賊 烏賊🦑 イカ
salmon/ˈsæm.ən/ 鮭魚 さけ
tuna/ˈtuː.nə/ 金槍魚 鮪 ~ マグロ まぐろ
carp ~ koi 鯉魚 こい
dolphin 海豚 海豚 ~ イルカ🐬 いるか
whale 鯨魚 鯨🐳 くじら
camel 駱駝 駱駝 ~ ラクダ🐪 らくだ
elephant 象🐘 ~ ゾウ ぞう
hippo ~ hippopotamus 河馬 河馬🦛 かば
tiger 虎🐯 とら
lion/ˈlaɪ.ən/ 獅子 獅子 ~ ライオン🦁 しし
mouse ~ rat 老鼠 鼠🐀 ねずみ
fly 蒼蠅 はえ
penguin 企鵝 ペンギン🐧 ぺんぎん
dinosaur 恐龍 恐竜🦕 きょうりゅう
dragon ドラゴン ~ 竜 ~ 龍🐲 どらごん ~ りゅう ~ たつ
snake 蛇🐍 へび
python/ˈpaɪ.θɑːn/ 蚺 ~ 巨蟒 ニシキヘビ ~

Audio Test

15% is a good length for short audio files
<audio controls source src="/audio/Read_English.mp3" style="width: 15%">

How to Save Audio from Google Voice

Originally it looks like 

replace the "?" after "https://translate.google.com/" with

So it will be like






HTML Button Test

/ is better
For Windows, As the Directory Path, both \ and / work
For Linux & MacOS, As the Directory Path, only / works

THE GAME AWARDS: 2022 Nomination Announcement

Recently, I am thinking about how to judge the quality of the games.
So even though I don't have any favorite games this year, I am trying to follow the activity of TGA.

For me, there are five attributes to judge games.

  • Playability
  • Story
  • Vision - Visual Art, Graphic Effect
  • Audio - Score and Music, Sound Effect
  • Creativity

I will try to give scores of games in the four attributes.
For every attribute, I give scores from 0 to 10.

For example, recently I finished playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
P: 8
S: 7
V: 7
A: 7
C: 7

And the last game I played and I am fond of is What Remains of Edith Finch.
P: 8
S: 9
V: 9
A: 9
C: 10

Notes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_video_game_terms

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Where did my free time go

  • September: I went to Fukuoka to get vaccines of yellow fever (and Hepatitis A)
  • September: I played the game "The Scroll of Taiwu", I played the game four years ago, I thought after four years' work, this game could get improved a lot. However, this game is really disappointing, the scripts of the story are very awful. Even though I like the framework of the game, it just has too many bugs. I think it is possible for indie games from China to be awesome, but of course, not this one.
  • I started to watch a Japanese TV Show "Doctor-X: Surgeon Michiko Daimon" and I finished it. Sometimes I could be able to watch the show in Japanese Audio as well as in Japanese Subtitles.
  • I had a long trip last month, I went to Ethereum DevCon in Bogota, Colombia first, but I felt worse for this industry for there are too many lies and scams. Then I was in Miami, New York, San Francisco, Mountain View, and Los Angeles.
    I visited Waseda University, The University of Tokyo, Stanford University, and The University of Southern California. I went to Unity and Ubisoft but failed to get inside without any reservations.
    The atmospheres between the universities in the US and Japan are pretty obvious. The campuses of the US universities are usually big, and the culture is more open and free; while in Japan things follow more rules which makes things to a higher standard but lose some creativity. For example, Nintendo is my favorite game company, but working there might not be a perfect idea as it could be stressful and not as fun as their games 🤣.
    10/04: Yonago(YGJ) -> Tokyo(HND)
    10/06: Tokyo(HND) -> Bogota(BOG)
    10/15: Bogota(BOG) -> Miami(MIA)
    10/17: Miami(MIA) -> New York(LGA)
    10/19: New York(EWR) -> San Francisco(SFO) -> Mountain View [Uber]
    10/21: Mountain View -> San Francisco -> Los Angeles [Bus]
    10/23: Los Angeles(LAX) ->Dallas(DFW)
    10/24: Dallas(DFW) -> Tokyo(NRT)
    10/26: Tokyo(HND) -> Yonago(YGJ)

Coming Schedule

  • I have to study driving, it's the last thing I should do here in Yonago before moving to big cities.
  • I need to study more Japanese, and hopefully to take part in a JLPT(Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) test.
  • Premiere Pro + After Effect + Illustrator Courses.
  • Connect AI Painting Function to my Discord bot.
  • To make a video about a "hero" who fought against the Chinese dictatorship for 12 years. He died or got arrested last year.
  • I am trying to become a (indie) game developer in the future. I am going to prepare for it and work hard on it.

English Español ~ Spanish 日本語 ~ Japanese
Hello Hola こんにちは
Goodbye Adiós さよ(う)なら
Nice to meet you Encantado (de conocerte) はじめまして (よろしくお願いいたします)
~ Encantada ( by women ) ~
Thank you Gracias ありがとう
(Thank you very much) Muchas gracias ありがとうございます
You’re welcome De nada どういたしまして
Excuse Me Perdona すみません
Sorry Lo siento ごめんなさい
Help me Ayúdame 助けてください
Please por favor お願いします
. . .
Yes はい
No No いいえ
Correct Correcta 正しい
Wrong Equivocado 違う ~ 間違い ∼ 間違った
I don't know No (lo) sé 分からない ~ 分かりません
~ ~ 知らない ~ 知りません
I understand Entiendo 分かります ~ 理解します
I don’t understand No entiendo. 分かりません ~ 理解できない
. . .
How? ¿Cómo? どうやって(如何やって)?
Why? ¿Por qué? なぜ(何故) ~ なんで(何で) ~ どうして(如何して)?
When? ¿Cuándo? いつ(何時)?
Where? ¿Dónde? どこ(何処)?
Who? ¿Quién? だれ(誰)?
What? ¿Qué?
. . .
How much is it ? ¿Cuánto cuesta? いくらですか?
How long it takes? ¿Cuánto se tarda?
How far is it? ¿Que tan lejos está? どこまでですか?
What happened? ¿Qué sucedió? どうした(の)? ~ 何が起こった?
what does it mean? ¿qué significa? どういう意味ですか?
What's your name? ¿cómo te llamas? 名前は(何ですか)?
My name is… me llamo … 名前は...
. . .
Here you are Aquí estás どうぞ
Do you speak English? ¿hablas inglés? 英語は話せますか?
Cheers! ¡salud! かんぱい!
Just a little solo un poco ちょっとだけ ~ 少しだけ
I love you te quiero 愛してる
excellent ¡estupendo! 素晴らしい

To Study & To Remember

The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.
—— Albert Einstein [1879-1955]
—— 阿爾伯特・愛因斯坦

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.
—— Albert Einstein [1879-1955]
—— 阿爾伯特・愛因斯坦

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I have a habit to write down something every day, it's private and sometimes very short and unorganized.
But I think, I should start to write something better and more formal.
Even it can't be every day, at least every month.
Okay, this is the plan now 😳

It has been more than 2 years since I moved here, the peaceful beautiful small town in Yonago, Japan.
I didn't feel happy for the past two years; on the contrary, I felt extremely lonely. It is my choice anyway, and also, getting tricked of destiny by the horrible pandemic. I tried my best to help stop the pandemic but most people didn't care and many might wanted to have it. It totally changed my plan, it not only changed my view of China where I was born, but also destroyed my trust in this world.

But recently, I have made more changes. Actually, I felt better dropping the hope that the world changes better soon by someone or some organization.
The world is heavy, complicated, and filled with large areas of grey and even black. I am fighting against them, but I know I can never win as humanity has both good and evil sides in everyone, it is the same for me. I should live with them, I have to. the most thing I could do is to avoid doing the bad things myself. Different people have different standards of bad things, unluckily I think many things many people are doing are bad things. Seriously trying to be a good person is not easy and sometimes got hurt a lot. But anyway, it has been my choice.
The good thing is, I started to focus on my dreams again. I am going to achieve them. I am going to achieve them. I am going to achieve my dreams one day.

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Emoji /iˈmoʊ.dʒi/ | 表情符號 ~ 繪文字 | 絵文字 | えもじ

Emoji Unicode(HTML~CSS) Name IME Input Kanji
266C Beamed Sixteenth Notes ~ ~
🌌 0x1F30C Milky Way :ほしぞら:よぞら:ぎんが:てんのかわ 星空 ~ 夜空 ~ 銀河 ~ 天の川
🎮 0x1F3AE Video Game :びでおげーむ ~
🎵 0x1F3B5 Musical Note :おんぷ 音符
😇 0x1F607 Smiling Face with Halo :てんしのわ 天使の輪
😳 0x1F633 Flushed Face ~ Face with Wide Open Eyes :せきめん 赤面
🥰 0x1F970 Smiling Face with Hearts :むちゅ:はーとのえがお 夢中
🦠 0x1F9A0 Microbe :さいきん:ウイルス 細菌
🧒 0x1F9D2 Child :こども 子供
🎤 0x1F3A4 Microphone :うた
🗾 0x1F5FE Silhouette/ˌsɪl.uˈet/ of Japan :にほんちず 日本地図
👿 0x1F47F Imp ~ Angry Face with Horns :あくま 悪魔
🇦🇷 0x1F1E6 0x1F1F7 Argentina あるぜんちん アルゼンチン
🇧🇷 0x1F1E7 0x1F1F7 Brazil ブラジル 伯剌西爾
🇨🇳 0x1F1E8 0x1F1F3 China :ちゅうごく 中国
🇬🇧 0x1F1EC 0x1F1E7 England :イギリス ~
🇯🇵 0x1F1EF 0x1F1F5 Japan :にほん 日本
🌐 0x1F310 Globe with Meridians/məˈrɪd.i.ən/ :しごせん 子午線
🎈 0x1F388 Balloon :ふうせん:ばるーん 風船
💰 0x1F4B0 Money Bag :きんふくろ:しょうきん 金袋 ~ 賞金
💸 0x1F4B8 Money with Wings :さつたば 札束
🪙 0x1FA99 Coin ~ ~
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Nature 自然 自然 しぜん

English 漢語 日本語Nihongo 平仮名Hiragana
nature 自然 自然 しぜん
sun 太陽 太陽 ~ 日🌞 たいよう ~ ひ
moon 月亮 月🌙 つき
sunshine 陽光 ~ 日光 日光 にっこう
light ひかり
brightness 光明 明かり あかり
darkness 黑暗 やみ
forest 森林 森 ~ 森林 もり ~ しんりん
tropical rainforest 熱帶雨林 熱帯雨林 ねったいうりん
jungle 叢林 叢林 そうりん
hill 山丘 おか
valley 溪谷 ~ 山谷 たに
peak ~ summit 巔峰 頂上 ちょうじょう
cave ~ hole 洞穴 洞窟 ~ 穴 どうくつ ~ あな
river 河流 かわ
lake 湖泊 みずうみ
sea うみ
waterfall 瀑布 たき
hot spring 溫泉 温泉♨ おんせん
sky 天空 そら
water みず
ice 氷🧊 こおり
fire 火🔥 ひ -か
sunshine 陽光 日光 にっこ
wood 木🌲
sand 沙子 砂⏳ すな
rock ~ stone 岩石 岩(磐) いわ
gold きん
silver ぎん
bronze/brɑːnz/ 青銅 青銅 せいどう
copper/ˈkɑː.pɚ/ どう
iron/aɪrn/ てつ
liquid 液體 液体 えきたい
gas 氣體 気体 きたい
solid/ˈsɑː.lɪd/ 固體 固体 こたい
dust 灰塵
smoke 煙霧 けむり
desert 沙漠 砂漠🏜 さばく
beach ~ seaside 沙灘 ~ 海邊 浜辺 ~ 海浜 ~ 海辺 ~ ビーチ はまべ ~ かいひん ~ うみべ ~ びーち
coast/koʊst/ ~ shore/ʃɔːr/ 海岸 海岸 かいがん
volcano 火山 火山🌋 かざん
disaster 災害 災害 さいがい
earthquake 地震 地震 じしん
cloud 雲🌥 くも
rain 雨⛈ あめ
wind かぜ
snow 雪❄ ゆき
blizzard/ˈblɪz.ɚd/ 暴風雪 大吹雪 ~ 暴風雪 おおふぶき ~ ぼうふうせつ
typhoon 颱風 台風🌀 たいふ
showers 陣雨 にわか雨 にわかあめ
windy 強風的 風が強い かぜがつよい
thunder 雷⚡ かみなり
fog きり
foggy 濃霧的 霧が濃い きろがこい
lightning 閃電 稲妻 いなずま
thunderstorm 雷雨 雷雨⛈ らいう
storm 暴風 あらし
sunny weather 晴天 晴れ☀ はれ
cloudy weather 多雲天 曇り⛅ くもり
(weather's) temperature 氣溫 気温 ~ 温度 きおん ~ おんど
weather 天氣 天気 てんき
climate 氣候 気候 きこう
tsunami ~ tidal wave 海嘯 津波 つなみ
flood 洪水 洪水 こうずい
conflagration - fire 火災 火災 かさい
view 風景 眺め ながめ
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日本語の歌 (nihongo no uta) ~


ai ni dekiru koto wa mada aru kai
Is There Still Anything That Love Can Do?

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