
COVID Original -> Why I infer COVID-19 as the biological weapon from Wuhan Lab 【新冠起源】 COVID-19 為中共生化病毒的線索和證據

[COVID Original] Reasons and evidence that I infer COVID-19 as the biological weapon from Wuhan Lab
【新冠起源】 COVID-19 為中共生化病毒的線索和證據


Reasons and evidence that I infer COVID-19 as the biological weapon made by the Chinese Government


我做了很多收集整理工作,希望讓更多人知道 ——


—— 香港的人民抗爭無法有效進行下去了。
—— 與美國的貿易戰可以只停留在紙面文章了。
—— 內部的上訪維權、甚至幾個人聚集起來就可以肆然定「罪」了。
—— 藉着病毒的名義,想要實施軍管做任何鎮壓都更簡單了。


如同《V字仇殺隊》(又名V怪客、V煞、V for Vendetta)的劇情在真實上演。

病毒病理 COVID-19


SARS-CoV-2 has some HIV symptoms and it could fly in the air


COVID-19 has many features just like AIDS, the patients could hardly get a thorough recovery unless the virus was purged from the body entirely at the very early period.
Virus SARS-CoV-2 could attack the human immune system, which is also just like AIDS. And the result is very terrifying because the patient could die from many other diseases under the damaged immunological system. And also, many patients just die from the conclusions severe damages of the lung as it is Severe-Acute-Respiratory-Syndrome.


Actually, Lopinavir/Ritonavirsold, sold under the brand name Kaletra among others, as a fixed-dose combination medication for the treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS, is effective to treat COVID-19. A Chinese famous doctor Guangfa Wang, who got infected himself after announcing the virus could be well controlled, was cured just because of the AIDS/HIV medicines.
However, the Chinese government and some other medical institutions with impure motives downplay the therapeutic effects of the medicines as if trying their best not to let people associate the virus with AIDS.


The possibility of synthetic viruses

論文鏈接 Paper Link

早在2015年,武漢P4病毒實驗室的副主任石正麗和其他科學家便已成功合成了可以感染人體的SARS-CoV病毒 並作有著名論文。( 如今瘟疫COVID-19的病毒被稱作SARS-CoV-2,恰是相似毒株 )

As early as 2015, Shi Zhengli, deputy director of the Wuhan P4 virus laboratory, together with some other scientists, successfully synthesized the SARS-COV virus that can infect the human body and presented some papers about it.
(The virus of COVID-19 is called SARS-COV-2, which is a similar strain)

Shi Zhengli mentioned in her speech that the team had discovered a natural SARS-CoV gene pool containing surprisingly various gene fragments of COVID viruses.

The AIDS discoverer(also Nobel Prize winner) said it has HIV genes.


而2020年的4月17日,曾經獲得2008年諾貝爾生理學與醫學獎的法國病毒學家Luc Montagnier表示,目前全球大流行的COVID-19,其病毒SARS-CoV-2是中國病毒學家通過艾滋病基因序列的片段合成出的人工病毒,來自于武漢的實驗室。

Montagnier表示,這是他與數學家Jean-Claude Perrez,通過數學模式對病毒基因研究得出的結果。他說: "這個病毒被人為地操縱了,取自蝙蝠的病毒,被加入了幾個艾滋病毒基因序列的小片段。這不是自然的病毒,而是專業工作的結果,是分子生物學家做出來的一個特別精細的工作,可以說,像鐘表匠一樣精細。"他們的結論,確認了之前印度學者提出的「病毒帶有艾滋病基因,是人造病毒」的說法。


Video of Montagnier



National Biosafety Laboratory, Wuhan

This is the only BSL-4(Biosafety level 4, also called as pathogen/protection level 3, the highest level of biosafety precautions) laboratory in China (There are two BSL-4 laboratories in China, and the other one is Harbin Veterinary Research Institute).
The laboratory has been studying the most dangerous virus which could infect humans for a long time.
There is also evidence that shows the laboratory has chaotic management under the director Wang Yanyi who was studying art and does not has a high-level knowledge of Biology while becoming the director possibly just because of her husband.

美國國家廣播公司(NBC)報導,三名消息人士透露,一份針對手機定位資料的非官方分析報告聲稱,研究冠狀病毒的武漢病毒研究所,在2019年10月7日到10月24日完全失去了所有手機活動,由此存在一定猜想 —— 10月6日到10月11日之間,這裏可能發生了「危險的事情」。

A private analysis of cellphone location data purports to show that a high-security Wuhan laboratory studying coronaviruses shut down in October, three sources briefed on the matter told NBC News. U.S. spy agencies are reviewing the document, but intelligence analysts examined and couldn't confirm a similar theory previously, two senior officials say.
The report — obtained by the London-based NBC News Verification Unit — says there was no cellphone activity in a high-security portion of the Wuhan Institute of Virology from Oct. 7 through Oct. 24, 2019, and that there may have been a "hazardous event" sometime between Oct. 6 and Oct. 11.
報告鏈接 Report Link

Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market


Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market​ was initially identified as the source of the virus.
However, there is no convincing evidence that shows the market was the original place of COVID-19.
Even animal samples collected from the seafood market had tested negative for the virus, indicating that the market was the site of an early super spreading event, but it was very possibly not the site of the initial outbreak.

尤其需要表明的是,中國政府始終拒絕擁有最強技術的美國等國際團隊進入武漢調查,雖然最終允許了唯中共馬首是瞻的世界衛生組織前往中國調查,但是卻被揭露,世衛團隊甚至連武漢都未曾到達 ——
澳洲眾議員Dave Sharma表示:“國際社會確實該嚴重質疑,世衛在爆發疫情時初期應對的嚴謹與獨立性,因為他們似乎想要避免冒犯中國。”他表示:“這項指控若被證實,就代表應該扮演全球公衛守護者的世衛又發生令人憂心的事件,代表在這場大流行發生的關鍵早期階段,世衛把一個會員國的敏感政治置於全世界的公衛利益之上,而我們正在付出巨大代價。”

We all need to know that the Chinese government kept refusing the international teams(especially the teams from the US) going into Wuhan to investigate the origins of the novel coronavirus. Although finally a WHO team got proved to come China, but what the team did is staying in Beijing for 3 weeks even without going to Wuhan.

Link: WHO did not even visit Wuhan on its three-week virus investigation trip to China (世衛團隊甚至連武漢都未曾到達)


1, Launch a drill on Novel Coronavirus Infection Protection exactly in Wuhan


Sep 18, 2019, Wuhan Customs launched a drill on the Novel Coronavirus infection event exactly in the Tianhe airport of Wuhan.

2, Command 8 whistleblow-doctors to sign the admonition to keep silent


Dec 30, 2019, eight doctors spread the news as whistleblowers when they learned of the new coronavirus. For example, Dr. Li Wenliang called the virus SARS and sent the information to a WeChat group whose members are his classmates as doctors. Dr. Li hoped everyone would let their relatives take precautions.

補充說明:COVID-19的病毒當前被稱作Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2,簡稱SARS-CoV-2,其既可以使人產生Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus(严重急性呼吸系统综合症SARS)的實際病情,又確實是Coronaviurs(冠狀病毒)。因此,直到今日,我們也無法說李文亮等人的言論是如何不實、又憑什麼被宣傳成了「造謠傳謠」。相比之下,中國政府的一系列行動,才是真正的是非顛倒、造謠傳謠,並終於成功地將新冠病毒擴散到了全世界。
(We all know now, the doctors ware saying the truth, while CCP is a professional liar after its birth for decades.)


Jan 2, 2020, China Central Television kept alleging that many times "after the investigation of the police, the eight doctors are proved to spread rumors who will be punished according to the laws."


Jan 3, 2020, Wuhan police took the actions on the 8 doctors, for example, they summoned Doctor Li on Jan 3rd, making him sign an admonition which admits he is making up and spreading the rumors.

3, Cheated that the disease is not infectious which could be well controlled.


Jan 11, 2020, the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China announced that there is no medical staff got infected, and there is no evidence shows the virus could infect humans.

Jan 19, 2020, the Wuhan Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention stated at a press conference: The novel coronavirus is not highly contagious. There is a possibility that the virus has a limited human-to-human transmission, but the risk of continued human-to-human transmission is low. The epidemic is preventable and controllable.
However, we can see from the leaked medical staff's morbidity chart that a large number of medical staff infections have already occurred in many hospitals, but for specific purposes, this information has been concealed.

4, Started to develop vaccines but still declared this disease is not infectious


No later than Jan 5, 2020, the Chinese Communist Party started the vaccine study process formally. Meanwhile, they are doing jobs to block the messages of whistleblowers. CCP deleted related internet information about coronavirus, and declared this disease is not infectious which could be well controlled.

5, Closed the laboratory which released the SARS-CoV-2 gene sequence to the world


Jan 5, 2020, a Shanghai team led by Yongzhen Zhang, had already discovered the gene sequence and reported it to the Chinese National Health Commission. But they got no feedback and actions.
Jan 11, 2020, this team released the SARS-CoV-2 gene sequence to the world. However, just the next day, the laboratory of this team closed by the Chinese government for the reason of rectification.

6, Finally announced the virus was infectious and it is still most possibly came from bats of the bushmeat market


Jan 20, 2020, Nanshan Zhong, the leader of the High-level Expert Group of the Chinese National Health Committee announced the virus was infectious and possibly came from bats of the bushmeat market​.

7, Started to lock Wuhan, but allow Wuhanese to fly around the world on international flights


Jan 23, 2020, when a large number of people in Wuhan got sick and the infected patients had been found in many places around the world, Wuhan was closed. However, at the same time, CCP continues to allow Wuhan people to travel around the world on international flights.

Moreover, while the CCP is concealing the severity of the virus, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly criticized foreign countries for adopting excessive anti-epidemic measures.

8, Announced to have isolated the strain of coronavirus in a very late time


Jan 25, 2020, The Government of the People's Republic of China announced China has successfully isolated the first strain of coronavirus on Jan 24th.

9, The first vaccine products has come off the producation line in an unbelievable speed

Feb 26, 2020, CCP has got the first formal vaccines(This fact has only been brought to light on Aug 11th).

10,In the end, CCP only very vaguely blamed some bottom police officers for the fault of blocking the whistleblower


If you think about it with common sense, how could the bottom police officers let the national television channel broadcast the admonition announcement for 8 times in a single day? Also, many Chinese media platforms were controlling people's discussion on the topic of Novel Coronavirus.
What's more, if the people who should take the responsibility for this pandemic is not CCP, why doesn't CCP thoroughly investigate it? Why not rectify the internally responsible people who "harmed China"? Why give up the opportunity for error correction?

11,The real history and facts that we need to know as the background are that CCP has directly caused hundreds of millions of Chineses deaths in the past century by using lies and violence to maintain its power.


We should combine all the above evidence and facts, to think about it seriously,
What is the logic of everything?
Why CCP tried so much to hide the information about the virus and epidemic and caused a worldwide tragedy as the result?
Is SARS-CoV-2 a Chinese biological weapon?
Personally, I think so.

時至今日,這種危險狡猾的病毒已經造成了全球數千萬人已經被感染,百萬人死亡(後註: 寫的時候還只有數千萬人被感染,現在則數億;而死亡人數更是變為幾百萬)
Today, SARS-CoV2 has caused tens of millions of people infected, and millions of people died.


It is my duty!

The World will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.
—— 阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)
