
2022 August


I have a habit to write down something every day, it's private and sometimes very short and unorganized.
But I think, I should start to write something better and more formal.
Even it can't be every day, at least every month.
Okay, this is the plan now 😳

It has been more than 2 years since I moved here, the peaceful beautiful small town in Yonago, Japan.
I didn't feel happy for the past two years; on the contrary, I felt extremely lonely. It is my choice anyway, and also, getting tricked of destiny by the horrible pandemic. I tried my best to help stop the pandemic but most people didn't care and many might wanted to have it. It totally changed my plan, it not only changed my view of China where I was born, but also destroyed my trust in this world.

But recently, I have made more changes. Actually, I felt better dropping the hope that the world changes better soon by someone or some organization.
The world is heavy, complicated, and filled with large areas of grey and even black. I am fighting against them, but I know I can never win as humanity has both good and evil sides in everyone, it is the same for me. I should live with them, I have to. the most thing I could do is to avoid doing the bad things myself. Different people have different standards of bad things, unluckily I think many things many people are doing are bad things. Seriously trying to be a good person is not easy and sometimes got hurt a lot. But anyway, it has been my choice.
The good thing is, I started to focus on my dreams again. I am going to achieve them. I am going to achieve them. I am going to achieve my dreams one day.

Where did my free time go

  • I Watched the walkthrough of Games "The Walking Dead (Season 1-4)" and "The Last of US(Season 2)", I love the former one really much and I like clementine, but I don't think it makes sense logically for the latter one.
  • I Watched the show "Better Call Saul", it is really a nice TV show. Many characters are pretty vivid, but since we already watched "Breaking Bad", we know that Jimmy wouldn't have a good ending, and felt so bad for Kim too.
  • I tried two networking solutions for Unity Multiplayer Game
  • I moved my website from GCP to some other platforms
  • I wrote my bots for both Twitch and Discord
  • I learned to run the code to mint my own Token which is easy

2022 August

08/12 I cut my hair. It has been about 1000 Days since I cut my hair last time in 2019
08/18 Traveled nearby a little while with Matchan, he is the only friend I made here (I don't have much chance to talk with many people :()

08/29 Went to Osaka to apply for a visa, it's so easy and fast, it only took me 3 days to receive the visa delivered back
08/31 Went back home from Osaka

Todo List

  • Drop most of the shit things about China, that is a hopeless place of lies and sins. But before that, I decide to make a video for "ProgramThink", who has been fighting against the Communists for 12 years since 2009/01/15, and died or was arrested after 2021/05/09
  • Connect Unity with Firebase
  • CS50 Courses
  • Premiere Pro + After Effect + Illustrator Courses
  • Japanese Study (Urgent to do), Passing JLPT N1 as early as possible
  • Connect AI Painting Function to my Discord bot.
  • To make a video about a "hero" who fought against the Chinese dictatorship for 12 years. He died or got arrested last year

As I grow up and know more and more, I have fewer and fewer respected people. Because of the information environment I was in, and I was naive, many people I thought to be good are just from fake stories or propaganda, who are actually mostly very evil and hypocritical.
The username he uses is Program-Think, he is a very good programmer who is also capable of cyber security. He has fought against the whole Chinese national cyber police for 11 years but disappeared for death or arrest in the last year.
He published ~700 articles in the 12 years which include many different aspects. One of the most significant work he has done is a Github Repository that shares how corrupt the country is, that everyone who is in a high position in the state holds money that thousands even millions of normal people can't earn in total through their lives. China didn't ban Github because they need Chinese programmer to easily steal more tech from the world, but this repo is the first repo requested by Chinese government and got banned by GitHub team so the Chinese IP can't view this repo.
Nearly all companies say YES to China to earn much more money even though it is bloody money and they pretend not to have known. But there are still several good people who are righteous, brave, and respectful
Maybe he is the last "wise, talented, righteous, brave" person in China. And he is gone.
I cried for him several times, and I felt disgusted for China and most Chinese people.

Coming Schedule

2022 September

09/03: First COVID Vaccine (Pfizer)
09/13: To Get Yellow Fever Vaccine in Hiroshima
09/24 or 09/29: Second COVID Vaccine

2022 October

10/06 To Colombia for The DevCon of Ethereum